Psalm 109:22 ” For I am poor and needy, and my heart is wounded within me.”

Charles Spurgeon once wrote, “There are many sorts of broken hearts, and Christ is good at healing them all.” Our heart may be hurting from personal loss…of a loved one, a beloved pet, or a job. But our heart can be just as broken as we share in a good friend’s grief or misfortune… commiserating with empathy and compassion as we help them through tough times. However, we don’t need to be intimately involved with something to not hurt for that person or people group. For example, our heart can break as we see or hear about the ravishes of war, famine, or pestilence on innocent people across this wide world. But the Lord remains steadfast at healing all forms of heartache as we take our petitions to Him. (Psalm 34:18 & Psalm 147:3)

Author: kezha1

A Christian mother, grandmother, and retired nurse living in Illinois. Called into a ministry of encouraging others to find their ultimate plan and purpose in life through Christ.

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