Psalm 77:11-12 ” I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember Your miracles of long ago. I will meditate on all Your works and consider all Your mighty deeds.”

There will be many times in your Christian Walk that you will only appreciate everything God has done for you when you look back and reminisce. That’s because, when you are knee deep in alligators the challenge is to just survive. David reflected on God’s goodness to him in Psalm 63:6 when he wrote, “On my bed I remember You; I think of You through the watches of the night.” Remembrance of what God has done can be very healing…for we bring to mind God’s gracious acts of the past so we may move from the past to the present with renewed confidence and trust in Him.

Author: kezha1

A Christian mother, grandmother, and retired nurse living in Illinois. Called into a ministry of encouraging others to find their ultimate plan and purpose in life through Christ.

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