Isaiah 7:9 ” If you do not stand firm in your faith, you will not stand at all.”

I pray today that you will stand firm in your faith…no matter what it may cost. Like Stephen in Acts Chapter 7, he chose not to compromise, and in the face of an angry mob, he gave one of the most eloquent and masterful presentations of his faith written in the Bible. But what did he get for it? Stoned to death. Every day we give in to peer-pressure when it comes to standing up for our faith…every day we avoid certain people because we don’t want to be confronted by their rude atheistic remarks. Rather than standing firm in our faith, we cave in and crumple at the first sign of conflict. And what do we get for it? Feelings of guilt & shame. So today, I pray you will become a person who makes the most of second chances. And the very best person to look at here is Simon Peter, who caved big time under peer-pressure…denying he even knew Jesus, not once, not twice, but three times in the course of a night. But later we see him restored by the risen Jesus to become the Rock (Petra) of the early Church.

Author: kezha1

A Christian mother, grandmother, and retired nurse living in Illinois. Called into a ministry of encouraging others to find their ultimate plan and purpose in life through Christ.

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