Isaiah 30:10 ” They say to the seers, ‘See no more visions!’ And to the prophets, ‘Give us no more visions of what is right! Tell us pleasant things, prophesy illusions.’ “

Our flesh has an endless fascination with everything but the cold, hard truth. We’d rather hear some warm, fuzzy, feel good sermon on Sunday than one that makes us squirm in the pew any day. II Timothy 4:3-4 tells us that there will come a time when men won’t put up anymore with the Truth of the Gospel Message but rather exclaim, “Tell us what our itching ears want to hear.” But their persistent desire they want is only eloquent & flattering rhetoric, devoid of substance and deceptive in nature. So as Christians we must learn not to be deceived by smooth talk and delusion.

Author: kezha1

A Christian mother, grandmother, and retired nurse living in Illinois. Called into a ministry of encouraging others to find their ultimate plan and purpose in life through Christ.

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